Interested in mentorship?
If I had unlimited time and resources, I would mentor every writer who ever wanted me to. Truly. I adore helping writers find the heart of their story and navigate the ever-exhausting web of publishing, which is what drove me to create Story Coaching & Editorial in the first place.
Where and when I'm able, I'm still determined to give back to the writing community and offering this mentorship is one way in which I do so!
How it works
As time and life allow, I will select one new mentee from those who have applied. Mentorship is of course (and should always be) free.
My hope is to select one new mentee twice a year--probably in January and July, but that may vary. Our official mentorship will last six months, but I do hope we'll stay friends much longer.
If you apply once, there is no need to apply again. I will keep your application in the pool to potentially select from each time! However, if you've started working on a different project and would like to submit that for mentorship consideration instead of the work you've previously shared, feel free to do so. You can apply at any time--there is no deadline and the application window is always open.
Lastly, if we're unable to ultimately connect on a mentor/mentee basis, please know how incredibly honored I am that you would consider bringing me into your world, and were willing to trust me with your words.
Write a short email letting me know about your work and what you're seeking in mentorship.
In the body of your email, include the first ten double-spaced pages of your manuscript. (No attachments, please.)
Send your email to
(Don't worry--I'll confirm receipt!)
I believe there is no greater resource to a writer than other writers. At the conclusion of our mentorship, to the extent that you are interested, I'll connect you with my previous mentees and clients who have also indicated that they are interested in connecting with other writers. In doing so, my hope is that your circle will grow to include even more beta readers, critique partners, and friends who understand what you're working toward and can support you along the way.