We all have a story.
It's time to tell yours.
​Welcome! And I'm so glad you're here.
My name is Charlene, and I'm an author and writing coach. I created Story Coaching & Editorial to offer writers customized support as they work toward their goals. We're all at different stages of our journeys and we all have different dreams for our stories. Whether you're navigating your first manuscript, in need of a critical eye on your final draft, or seeking an experienced confidant as you pursue your own path to possible publication--
I'm here to help.
Coaching. Editing. Critique.
Customized for you.
Looking for mentorship? Learn more here.
Hi, I'm Charlene
I am the author of three young adult novels, two of which have been published by Penguin Random House, with the third forthcoming from Scholastic. I'm a writing mentor and have provided critique for dozens of writers who are actively progressing in their publishing journeys. I earned my MBA from Emory University and my Certificate in Teaching Creative Writing from The University of Cambridge. I'm represented by The Tobias Literary Agency for literary rights and IAG for film rights.
But perhaps most importantly, I'm a big dreamer who's faced her fair share of setbacks, heartbreaks, and wins in this industry, and I'm here to reassure you that your own dreams are not unreachable and your own wins are on their way. You can learn more about my own writing journey here.
Charlene's genius lies within her honest and unique perspective on writing and life. She teaches that impactful writing is a synchrony of art and science. It is both baring the soul and the meticulous solving of a complicated equation. From this lens, Charlene makes reading recommendations, gives pertinent advice, and draws impressive parallels between art and the world that helps writers like myself challenge and expand our own perspectives.
- Riot V.
Charlene's suggestions and edits were amazing, and more thorough than I ever could have imagined. After receiving Charlene's feedback, I felt so much better about my query and first pages--and received an offer of representation!
- Haley P.
When I brought my novel to Charlene, she was able to quickly deliver thoughtful and sharp commentary at the line level while simultaneously providing major structural feedback. Most importantly, when you work with Charlene, it's ever-evident that she cares as much about uplifting your craft as she does about uplifting you.
- Zach H.